Month May 2020

Hair Care Regimen

Imagine trying to test out and use six new products in your hair at once. Whew, the difficulty. Every where you turn on YouTube and Instagram (and all social media really) you see different products and techniques to try. Naturals…

Pre-poo your hair with Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a spiky succulent plant grown in dry, warm and tropical climates in Africa, Asia, Southern Europe, and the southern and western parts of the United States. The gel and juice found inside of the plant has become…

What’s a Wash and Go?

Is there a such thing as a Wash and Go? I mean come on, there are literally so many steps after you wash and before you go anywhere. We all know them and have seen them all over YouTube and…

Let Us Clarify

Hi Guys, welcome back! This week we will discuss clarifying. I’ve had my box braids in for over a month and decided to take them out this past week. I applied my Aloe Vera pre-poo to kick off my wash…